Today was kind of another recovery day from the 111 mile day. Mary doesn't think I said enough about that day, so I will go into alittle more detail. We went in with a plan. We stopped every twenty miles at the SAG to refuel and top off our water. Oh yeah, and to get off that little seat for a few minutes. They were very short breaks. Hit it while your hot was how we were thinking.We had no idea when the winds would kick in. We reached the lunch stop much earlier than expected so we had to wait while they put everything out. We quickly ate and hit the road again. Canada came out strong and pulled away (this would be her first century ride), so, again, it was Mary and I pacing each other in. We completed 111 miles in 6 hours and 18 minutes. Our average was 17.5 MPH. Probably the fastest century ride I will ever do. Virtually all of the elements were in our favor.
OK, now that said, back to today's ride. It was a good day. Our total mileage was only 48 miles with 1300 feet of elevation gain. Days like today are nice because we get to sleep in a little longer and let it warm up outside before we have to leave. We can actually stop and smell the flowers, or at least take some pictures of them. Our next two days are short which means we will be climbing again. I do believe that we will be through the worst part of the trip by Thursday. We only have eight more days in Texas and I hope we will be done with the chip n seal. It really just beats you up. We were in early enough to have a nice lunch, get our laundry done, and make it to happy hour with time to spare.
P.S. We are not expected to have internet service for the next 2 days. I will post when I can.
23 days down and 29 to go.